Thursday, July 29, 2010

See You Soon Raccoon Sayings

ethical nature of human freedom

In pragmatic and easy to define: Well

: What improvement in human nature. Truth
: Matching between understanding and reality. Awareness
: Compass to decide between good and evil. Freedom
: Choosing between good and evil with responsibility.

From these definitions look at what it says A. Retegui Ruiz in his book Biological Ethics, chap. 1

Freedom and the person

Basically we meet again the old question that gave birth to twenty-five centuries of philosophical reflection on ethics. This question arose from the consciousness of freedom and its significance. The man began to think of Philosophy Ethics when he realized that the exercise of his free action did not mean simply a choice about external things. This is certainly the most immediate and obvious dimension of freedom. But then it warns that its scope is more profound and decisive in the choice of this or that thing, about this or that course of action, the man is deciding about himself. It is the very person who, as a result of their choices will be made or missed achieve happiness and fulfillment or sink in disappointment. why the consciousness of freedom , with all its depth and scope, the man faces the question of responsibility .

The question that raises the modern scientific and technological development is similar to that faced by the Greek V century BC, because what we are debating now is whether the material possibilities that have lead to a more humane world, or more violent and tyrannical. We realized that our options for action alternatives we face momentous: the making and destruction. We have found abruptly with the critical responsibility of our free action.

man's ethical experience is closely linked to the experience of freedom and scope of freedom . This experience confronts the man with various ways to perform or be fulfilled, of which some are experienced as real enforcement and others are experienced as frustration. But before these alternatives, the man is not indifferent: there is no difference be frustrated. The man, every man wants to be happy. The question is how is that being happy. The experience, so often, the disappointment shows that happiness is no objective content evident. The big question of ethics is precisely determine what we want and how it is achieved. The first and fundamental issue of ethical reflection was not what acts are what we do and what to avoid, but what is that we all want. To this end the Greeks called him Well, that just was defined as "what we all want." But not everyone wants to his inclinations immediate and empirical, in all acts of will, but "what we all want in the background", ie what we all want to do things or acts as a means to something else, dear in itself, definitive.

The Truth About man as a measure of freedom

If we, to decide freely decide on the merits of ourselves, the reference that tells us about the wisdom or wrongness of our free will decision truth about ourselves. If we are right to decide according to our true and we fulfill our exercise of freedom be successful. But if we decide on a course of action that leads to the frustrating experience, then our freedom has failed. That is, the man immediately warned that their actions are at stake some assets or property of a special nature that he summoned an absolute in his capacity as a person endowed with free . It is well that man is among the "need" that are imposed on those values, loyalty, sincerity, justice, etc .- and "freedom" for its decision. Ethical experience is presented as a synthesis of freedom and necessity. Of freedom, because our will is not physically determined for any mode of action. Of necessity, because the desire for happiness, fulfillment, challenges us in an absolute and inevitable. The need is not physical, because the man is not physically forced to perform or to act in accordance with their values, but warns that it is committed to its action is not merely an external reality, but his own person as such.

Indeed, when acting man has only a psychological consciousness, some knowledge of the action in its done, but also has moral conscience, ie has knowledge of the adequacy of the act with the dignity of human condition itself. Thus, when a person betrays a moral value, conscience condemns him as a person. This is not the disappointment that follows a sectoral fail, ie moral consciousness does not say "you are bad math" or "bad athlete," but "are bad" is the basic human experience warning dignity.

Now, reflect "awareness" comes from cum scientia, refers to knowledge, and what do you know your conscience? What really open? Or put another way, what is the truth that measures awareness and commitment? These questions lead us to question the alleged neutrality of consciousness as ideological power to decide, which is as commonly understood today. Behind this approach, in effect, beat the nominalist idea of \u200b\u200bfreedom, typical of the modern age, which is in practice a pragmatic individualism. A freedom that is exercised not only outside the truth, but producing it, as if its root. There is another way, however, raise the relationship between freedom and truth, which is just the reverse. At the root, in the intimate realm and hidden from the consciousness - we put the truth , ie, the habit of opening it through knowledge, so that outward displays the branches of freedom , the set of specific decisions in order to achieve the common Well .

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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Scalloped Potatoes And Pork Chops Soup

Ethics and Violence Linked

Dear Students of business ethics, professional and general cycle II of 2010, welcome to this blog. We begin with the importance of standards of living, I invite you to read the following article and comment.

Human beings seek desperately to live together, depending on the herd instinct. Flocks of birds, schools of fish and herds of wolves suggest that in animals there is also a herd instinct that leads them to clump together. The most convincing explanation is that grouping, for example, of schools, provides ecological improvement favoring biological conditions. From this we can infer that clustering helps improve the lives and development. With the human group is the same. This extends to social groups, communities and society as a whole. The grouping of humans is a spontaneous and necessary.

When a group has continued its operations and acquired over time, become institutionalized. Institutionalized means to have guidelines and performance standards that are repeated for significant periods. These are rules of behavior are essential for the group or institution to survive. The explanation lies that in humans there are, on the one hand, positive social trends and, second, negative anti-social tendencies. The former tend to unity, harmony, social integration and constructive. The negative trends, however, seeking discord, disunity, disintegration and destructiveness. This can occur in the group in whole or in part in one individual. For the group to survive, it is necessary that the rules of behavior emerge: they are essential for constitutive and functional integrity. Group norms outlined a group identity and a sense of belonging in the group.

Here lie the seeds of ethical standards. The term "ethics" comes from "Ethik" which in Greek means "custom." To be social behavior should privilege the individual's relationship with the other. In this sense, ethics, character determines the link between individuals and, in turn, is conditioned by it. Solomon E.

Asch argues that "the origins of the rules are perceived in a spontaneous group organization. The simplest expression of collective action contains rudiments of order and the presence of a common task and apprehension on the part of participants the possibilities of the situation, guiding and correcting their actions. "If individuals enter into a cooperative task is essential to establish minimum agreements among themselves about the conditions in which that task should be performed. "These rules are a form of group decision that arises in response to the perception of mutual dependence." When these standards have a social meaning are based on principles of mutual benefit.


is learned in childhood lasts a lifetime. The rules of coexistence, together with the values, are incorporated into this structure and becomes the repository of moral standards and ethics.

So we have two ethical structures. One related to the individual psychological, which is internal and inherent to it. The other is external and for the social group: are the ethical standards of the chamber group.
addition to the rules are values. The good and bad, right and wrong, are securities. These are important to assess behavior and to predict its effects: whether it will be constructive or destructive.
But are the ideals, aspirations, desires, demanding levels of performance and production, models that seek to achieve or reproduce in any way. These and many more are certain values \u200b\u200bthat give meaning to individual and group behavior. These feelings become values \u200b\u200bthat ultimately give the group cohesion, sense of belonging and quality in performance and results.
Members of the Chair of Ethics (student / teacher) constitute a group. In this set inevitably arise social reasons and living needs. These reasons and these requirements determine the values \u200b\u200band ethical standards necessary to ensure positive operation.

1. Express your opinion in the forum about: What did you think the establishment of standards of behavior in your first class of ethics?.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Gpsphone Problem Fire Red

intercycles To my friends in the Ethics ... the adventure begins ...
Humm ... how do I start? ... my fellow students have a learning stage is over, I find it insufficient to say goodbye ... because for me it's not the end but the beginning of a new vision of life, an adventure into practice the "art of living" .
Live well my friends, be happy, do not miss good opportunities and remember that "everyone wants to live on top of the mountain, but all the happiness and growth occurs while you're escalation."
I really want that one day we meet again ... I do not know ... maybe it would be a
Tuesday ... I leave for you this wise teaching of life, one day a dear student gave me ... to take into account:

ENJOY CAFÉ TU !!!!!!!!

A group of professionals, all winners in their respective careers, got together to visit his former teacher.

soon became the talk in complaints about the endless 'stress', which made them work and life in general.

professor offered coffee, went to the kitchen and soon returned with a large coffee mugs and a selection of the most eclectic: porcelain, plastic, glass, crystal, some simple and inexpensive, some decorated, some expensive, some really delicious ... He calmly told them to chose a cup and serve some coffee, freshly prepared.

When they had done, the old master cleared his throat, very calm and patient ... addressed the group:

'You have noticed that all looked pretty cups are finished first and left only a handful of the most simple and cheap, what is natural, since each one prefers, the best for himself .

That's really the cause of many problems relating ... the stress .'!!! !

I assure you that the cup is not added to coffee quality. Indeed the only cup dresses or is of what we drink ...

What you wanted was coffee, not the cup, but instinctively sought the best.

Then they began to look ... Mugs, of others. Now think about this:

Life is coffee. Work, money, status, etc. are merely cups that give shape and support to life and the type of cup we have ... not define nor change really ... quality of life that we carry.

A Often, by concentrating only on the cup ... we enjoy the ... coffee.

The happiest people is not what is best of all, but what does her best with what you have!!

So, remember: Live

easily. Have
and act generously. Be supportive and caring

Speak kindly.

The rest ... Leave it to God!

And remember: the richest person is not having more, but you need less ..... !!!!!!!

enjoy your coffee. And having a successful life!! My best

desires for their lives:

Monday, July 5, 2010

How Good Is Rogers Online Protection


2010 was declared the International Year of Biodiversity by the United Nations

The International Year of Biodiversity (IYB by its acronym in English) is a celebration of one year of biodiversity and its value for life on Earth, which takes place worldwide in 2010. The Year was declared by the 61 th session of the General Assembly of the United Nations in 2006, coinciding with the date of the 2010 Biodiversity Target.

International Year of Biodiversity aims to raise awareness about the importance of biodiversity at all the world. Preserving biodiversity requires everyone's efforts. Through activities and events in various countries, it is expected that the global community works together to ensure a sustainable future for all.

Biodiversity is life.

Biodiversity is our life.

Click to view the video

Write and Share, because information is the foundation of good health!

Lucasville Flea Market 2010 A

WHO experts

Three of the experts who wrote the guidelines for a pandemic have received money from the industry.

A report on Friday accusing the World Health Organization (WHO) not to disclose the conflict of interest of at least three of the people who wrote the guidelines that were governed by dozens of governments when it comes to spending billions of dollars on measures against swine flu.

According to the document prepared by the medical journal British Medical Journal (BMJ) and the Office of Investigative Journalism, at least three of the researchers who presented the bulk of the scientific documents underlying the procurement of drugs by the government had received any money from pharmaceutical companies producing drugs.

The authors say that had he known that this was the case, governments have been dealing with information and recommendation otherwise.

Iaian Overton, editor in chief of the Office of Investigative Reporting told the BBC that "the pattern (of conduct against a pandemic) were heavily influenced by three annexes that were written by three individuals, teachers Fred Hayden, Arnold Monto and Karl Nicholson.

listed companies are Roche and GlaxoSmithKline (GSK). Roche had profits of billions of dollars from the sale of Tamiflu to governments that followed the WHO recommendations, while GSK produced and some antiviral Relenza.

"When there is conflict?"

"While WHO continues to remain tight and do not disclose who is advising and conflicts of interest, we feel this is counterproductive. WHO is under suspicion, because it is believed to be hiding something and this raises questions about the independence one of its experts, "said Overton.

But Gregory Hart, a spokesman for WHO, said on BBC World that the organization "calls statements of interest to all experts and that was what happened on this occasion. The statements are then evaluated by the head of the Committee and the Secretariat and they are the ones who will check for these conflicts of interest are really such, if you need more information or if indeed there is conflict is asked to leave the committee. That did not happen this time ".

" There is a distinction between conflict of interest of a person who speaks and charge for them and the conflict of interest from anyone who has a salary of a company, "said Hart, who hinted that one of the criteria taken into account in determining whether there is such Conflict is the percentage of money a person receives from a pharmaceutical company in total personal income.

WHO spokesman also accused the British Medical Journal (BMJ) have been "incredibly tight" in the selected information to its report:
"The BMJ talks of three experts on a committee of 20, it is very difficult the votes of three people to overcome a 17. "

"The issue is the payment"

But Deborah Cohen, author of the study and reports editor of BMJ, said that "the question is whether people who have been paid by companies that have made billions of dollars selling these drugs should take the decision and write the manuals of behavior and use of these drugs. "

" I think it is not acceptable, "Cohen concluded.

The BMJ report and the investigative journalism office also puts in his look at the secrecy surrounding the committee decided to raise the pandemic of swine flu crisis, changing the existing parameters till then.

The document says that protecting the identity of its members, which is only known to the president, to avoid pressure industry, but at least three members mentioned belong to that industry pressure which want to escape.

But WHO spokesman said that "those Fully three members declared their interests and their own secret committee determined, knowledge of information, there is no conflict of interest. Once the committee has completed its tasks will be posted all information relating to it. "

While there is this exchange of accusations, doubts about the management of WHO during the crisis of the swine flu influenza multiply Across the globe, with research being carried out in many European countries, independent agencies and even within the same organization.


Discuss this story from the Ethics of Third Generation together with the Codes of Ethics.

Hydrogen Peroxide Gingivitis

pharmaceutical Winds of Change. Values \u200b\u200bfor Life

Paradigm changes are often difficult, but when these changes are now a requirement, it's hard not to make them, and change others is almost impossible. So the key is to change yourself, just enough to make the decision and we can do at any moment, this is a good time in your life.

these changes also merit responsibility to be durable, because not only enough to think that something must change, but we must make changes and take responsibility for them. Here, the values \u200b\u200bof self-belief with play an important role as a lack of conviction or a belief in limited self can prevent change, simply because the person does not believe in this capacity or because they fear the unknown, pain etc.

But as problems arise, just like that also appear solutions, all you need is to adopt the belief that you are capable of producing that change, because you count all the values \u200b\u200bare only waiting give them the opportunity to leave.

Consider the "Strategy of the hinge" that restates the Dr. Raymond


I ask you, with everything we learned in this course ... Do you dare to be the generator of the changes in your generation?

can also go to this link and listen to the Scorpions with their song "Winds of Change", you enjoy it.