Saturday, July 10, 2010

Gpsphone Problem Fire Red

intercycles To my friends in the Ethics ... the adventure begins ...
Humm ... how do I start? ... my fellow students have a learning stage is over, I find it insufficient to say goodbye ... because for me it's not the end but the beginning of a new vision of life, an adventure into practice the "art of living" .
Live well my friends, be happy, do not miss good opportunities and remember that "everyone wants to live on top of the mountain, but all the happiness and growth occurs while you're escalation."
I really want that one day we meet again ... I do not know ... maybe it would be a
Tuesday ... I leave for you this wise teaching of life, one day a dear student gave me ... to take into account:

ENJOY CAFÉ TU !!!!!!!!

A group of professionals, all winners in their respective careers, got together to visit his former teacher.

soon became the talk in complaints about the endless 'stress', which made them work and life in general.

professor offered coffee, went to the kitchen and soon returned with a large coffee mugs and a selection of the most eclectic: porcelain, plastic, glass, crystal, some simple and inexpensive, some decorated, some expensive, some really delicious ... He calmly told them to chose a cup and serve some coffee, freshly prepared.

When they had done, the old master cleared his throat, very calm and patient ... addressed the group:

'You have noticed that all looked pretty cups are finished first and left only a handful of the most simple and cheap, what is natural, since each one prefers, the best for himself .

That's really the cause of many problems relating ... the stress .'!!! !

I assure you that the cup is not added to coffee quality. Indeed the only cup dresses or is of what we drink ...

What you wanted was coffee, not the cup, but instinctively sought the best.

Then they began to look ... Mugs, of others. Now think about this:

Life is coffee. Work, money, status, etc. are merely cups that give shape and support to life and the type of cup we have ... not define nor change really ... quality of life that we carry.

A Often, by concentrating only on the cup ... we enjoy the ... coffee.

The happiest people is not what is best of all, but what does her best with what you have!!

So, remember: Live

easily. Have
and act generously. Be supportive and caring

Speak kindly.

The rest ... Leave it to God!

And remember: the richest person is not having more, but you need less ..... !!!!!!!

enjoy your coffee. And having a successful life!! My best

desires for their lives:


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