Sunday, August 29, 2010

Letter Of Congratulations On Church Anniversary

I do not intend to miss so many illustrious writers of poetry that history has given us and give us , nor to all those who are poets and they are able, from obscurity, to make exalted art, but today I am a street poet.

This little title that I've offered it to a little something I had the honor of discovering a network. It was the first time I questioned whether it was necessary to sacrifice myself at that moment.
Some people feel they have the right to do things that are beyond their reach, that as much as to endeavor should leave to others. This happens to my friend the Poet Street. Small started in the field of romantic poetry intended offer unbridled passion-laden verses, metaphors able to overturn the hardest heart and rhymes that even with the metronome would be more damaged able to obtain a minimum of rhythm and elegance.
course I'm not saying that our poet did not get the attention of their passionate audience, because yes it does. It has a cast of good looking girls that follow, as teenagers do with their ephemeral film stars at the height of adolescent acne, his chilling work.

When one stops to read his compositions he realizes that his claim, beyond expressing sentiments rather than rooted in the noble art of letters, is to get the undo the feelings of these women more vulnerable . Odd words labeled as crude epithets that have no connection some, seasoned teenage poetry repetitive formulas used for decorating school folders and agendas of equal use.

What to say about their structures and attempts to rhyme. There is no free use of rhyme, so we are not facing any modern poetry that violates the archaic rules of writing well done our Golden Age did not find any reference to masters of the pen that got love hearts and raise passions with ideals rather than marked. It is a throw-attempts followed disjointed verses where there are no punctuation marks and make it impossible to understand those statements. Of course, their effervescent followers have to write like him because he does manage to make your heart beat at an uncontrolled pace, the artist receiving the most flattering compliments and continuations of his verses to obtain that, for example, a server rather than spend a pleasant time reading absurd .

Anyone who can read this post might think I am somewhat envious of our poet, but it is not. It would be my intention to reach such a high level of writing, or so deep to get my own being. I prefer to stay in simply called writer's own thoughts that try to convince anybody, let alone, love or deceive.

So I continue on my site, which is this, and keep reading to me while reading as Poet Street continues his career in earnest letters. Yes, I will encourage all those who are capable of transmitting a message, a feeling, thought or whatever and do so with elegance and style that defines an artist, however is unknown.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Laser Hair Removal On My Whole Body


Well, much time has passed since the last doll made by these hands and uploaded to your blog. Today I bring an assignment of a compiled class, which is making me a preferred customer

^ ^ It is neither more nor less than a Spidy felt 7 cm in height, I leave the picture, that you may prove for you themselves.


Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Leopard Gecko Abscess Home Care


In my humble opinion I think the man is not able to wait. But nothing.
sure many will think that you can not wait for me, but not all of us.

Patience is something we can all learn to control some more, some less, but impatience is born with us and is activated, I'm sure in time we cut the umbilical cord.

When we are babies do not enjoy, they say, extraordinary patience, but we are able to snatch it from our parents in a masterly manner. We are hungry, it must be NOW. Shit we've done because we change now. And we do it up in an authoritarian manner. We are not able to tell by words, to change me! But we can drop some rumbles that assumes we want to express.

Over the years, little truth, we become some small irritating bugs. We want it all and the moment you ask. Not tomorrow, after a poor barter or our parents want us to. We want that and Now
Here we add that we started to control the word, so we add one more thing to our impatience: crying + word. A horror that sometimes, just a smack in the tambourine or now no longer use these methods, an unbearable psychological talk will not help but leave happy for our seniors.

Adolescence is the peak of impatience. What good is that phrase that says that youth are in the "awkward age." Everything is black. There is no place for other colors, or gray, or white, or purple ... black. Also add two more little things to our list of factors impatiently crying (maybe not so much) + + word + insolent defiance. Surely our fathers have often thought: "Why else would not be doing that day?". But they say it from the baby.
We want to eat the world and we're going to eat now. Here there there's no time for later. We're going on holiday and we pick one cogorza as hell. Do we do during the party? No, we do upon arrival to the party. Within an hour we took over a French toast that we do not believe it. But it was not our fault, we had to go to the party, take the cogorza, spend the holiday, spend the cogorza and go home to a reasonable hour. Like everything could not be, had to cut time.
and teenage crushes these if they were dramatic. I fell in love the guy or gal in office and could not be anything else. It was him or her and point. I said "Do not worry, it appears appropriate / adequate, you'll see." But how could they, even, to suggest that we had to wait for someone in the future? Are we crazy or what?
And if we add that today almost that we communicate more through internet that the word, there are at your computer and connected whom we expected to see. Would you say something? No. You have to do that other person, but do not think we'll be waiting as long as she deems necessary, has to do now. But it does then comes the drama. "Why not talk to me? Sure you're talking to someone else, now what happens ?"... and may be that the above is making war maneuvers in any lost desert in the world, but we have not told us anything about is connected.

As we grow we are losing patience with most things, while we are winning years. That if I have to get me boyfriend / girlfriend and that if I have to start working this year to buy because the car I want, if we love and get married, we will not let more time, which is now having children, if the floor, if not we hurry up, I give you a minute, that if the rise, if the new plasma TV ... And so one thing after another.

But there comes a time when our patience does win and that's impatience with the elderly named. It's like our life and is so calm all the time in the world is for us. No hurry. We have to go shopping, have all the time in the world, we drink, we all time in the world, let us make love. Now? If you have all the time in the world!
And most notably, where our patience is at the moment that every human being comes to an end, death.

For who has some kind of impatience that comes?
I at least I have no, what about you? Be patient
we have far to go.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Gabriella Hall Herpes

is tremendously funny how the mind plays tricks on us. We are all day mulling over the "coco" thousands of ideas, a thousand thoughts, we make many dreams with open eyes, extreme thoughts of revenge towards someone, plans for days .... but when one wants to express, after a few hours, you mind goes blank.

The issue is not that we have nothing to say, on the contrary, we have much to say we do not know how to do it and no way to function.

There are lots of examples in which we can build, for example:
you been all day thinking of someone, you have so many things to tell him to make you think about them cumbersome. Plan your words, every moment of silence will use to back up for air, awaiting a response. Even you've allowed afford to recreate the look on his face to listen. For when you have the opportunity to say everything you've been steeping in your mind for hours, nothing comes out. And, I repeat, not that I do not have to say is that your mind shuts down, your words are slowly disappearing and you forget all your great plan. You can find that person on the street, having been with her or meet them somewhere connected to the Internet. There is no way to release word.

Other people have the healthy habit of writing down your thoughts or feelings on paper. This, too, called a journal. It's your private confessor, where anything and everything you write. There is no secret you can not leave a lasting. As well. You take a pen, open your journal, you're willing to put your guts into every word you write ... and nothing. Do not leave. What the hell is it? It can be distressing, really.

Worse is when these words will have to serve as a labor resource. Come on, you have to face a presentation on something I've been working. I have taken hundreds of hours and now, your work will be rewarded. Willing to face you, face to face with a court, with a group of executives with whoever you have to evaluate and give the nod to your work or, otherwise, your whole stoning effort. Get ready, grab momentum y. .. everything is in complete silence that you can not break. "Mourn? You can do it but you will not be able to expose your work. "Run away? Not a bad idea, but I do not demonstrate your skills as a runner going to heal the bad move that has caused you your mind.

Come on, it may be nerves, stress, an anxiety attack ... everything is blurred, there is nothing in your head. I think, rather, your mind is on his own and, one day it used to be a very important, decide to spend a hoax. She goes to his "roll" and choose "Descojonado" a little while to you it seems that you run the world.
Y hay que estar atento, porque, tarde o temprano volverá a actuar.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Cardioversion And Defibrillation


Es, siempre, muy curioso enfrentarte a un nuevo rumor que, a pesar de la falta de veracidad, siempre se asegura es cierto. "Me lo ha contado un amigo que dice que le sucedió a un amigo de su amigo..." . Pero cuando tratamos de localizar a ese principal amigo, nunca aparece.

A este tipo de historia se las conoce como Leyendas Urbanas y las hay de todos los tipos, colores, gustos y sabores que se quieran. Desde leyendas que nos hablan de especies de insectos de otros países plants coming in, brutal gangs initiations arrivals from foreign countries, human body parts found in soft drinks bottles, strange mists that lead us to places far away, we talk about distances, even thousands of miles, or ghosts that appear lost in some corner of a lonely road.
But today, the technology is within reach of every hand and every mind, you're legends arrive, usually by means of email. Chain letters, bogus email which notifies the closing of any network, e-xenophobic where the message is sent from someone coming from outside that makes fun of how simple is rich in our country, etc, etc, etc.

Now if one of the ones I like is that message that comes to you with the image of a sweet child who, unfortunately, suffers from some strange disease. Within the message with full details of the child's personal data and, almost, his medical history. We are told also that if the message is forwarded, each referral will be reciprocated with a small amount of money that a company will pay for the cure disinterested or investigation of the strange disease.
If we look in more detail see the company in question used to be a U.S. citizen. The hospital that conducted the study or a cure, too, belongs to this country. And it is extremely absurd to pay that company directly not wait to get treatment and the thousands of e necessary to add that amount. What are some horny with a sense of humor? "Let's wait and see what happens . If the child emails arrive will be saved, but the dinar will going to give pleasure."

But the most thorny is when we realize that the photo of the child is repeated in several emails we have received. My God! In addition to the child's name changed from nacionalidad, de población y de enfermedad en cada mensaje nuevo. ¿Pero qué le pasa a este niño/a? ¿Qué lo pilla todo él/ella? ¡Tremendo!

Lo gracioso de estos mensajes es lo que todos ya intuimos: que este pobre infante no padece ninguna enfermedad (hay mensajes que aparecen con la imagen de algún niño discapacitado o con alguna malformación, que por desgracia, estos pobres niños sí que lo padecen).
Estos mensajes son enviados, el mensaje inicial, por alguien contratado por alguna empresa. Empresa que sí que paga una cantidad por mensaje que se consigue reenviar. Pero el dinero no va a parar a la cuenta de ayuda del niño, más it goes to the account of the face that creates the message. In this way the company what they get is a lot of emails with spam may overwhelm or spam also known.

is how does this curious fraud that does nothing but litter the mailbox e-mail account or even introduce the odd virus. And as humans are as sensitive and yet so innocent, it forwards the message to your entire contact list. So child = 0 Company = 1.

To top it off I will tell you that I like to keep as curious messages smell as they are legends, and there was one that made me laugh endlessly. It was a message like the example detailed above. But this time he was the son of one of the coworkers. It is clear that the partner was not named in the message, but the image of his son if he was in the mail. What a tremendous surprise when that boy was just like the child of another email that was archived. So Pete, now called Manolito, X did not have the disease, but rather the disease and not the son of a fellow, the son of another man and living in another country. Poor children!

best thing was that mail was sent to me another co-worker and that if I knew him quite well. INOCENTEEEEEEE!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Wedding Giving Card Wording


Yes! Today it is the turn of Twitter. The truth is I can not dwell much on this network, or whatever, because I have a few hours added to the Twitter world. This makes me feel a little bad because I can not give the cane that surely deserves, although it may be me creating my own grave by the followers of this new invention the network. Although they are great people who can understand my sense of humor, I hope ...

Twitter is as he likes to name their creator Jack Dorsey, a microblogging service where registered users see messages from other users, to be followed, such as small-holders (the messages have a size of 140 characters).

The initial question on the home page is a simple What? what the user lets his imagination run wild with facts, inner thoughts or simple words you want to transmit, within the parameters set of letters. So you have thought over the 140 character better to abstain.

move within the various different home pages users first thing you encounter is a disjointed sentences followed, where the words in blue accompanied by symbols such as the pound (# ) rather than the absurdities abound Me Gusta of Facebook (soon to appear post). The sense of this chaotic communication has to take shape for users who are Twitterers that (try to introduce into the argot of Twitter).
strange thing is that they are not anonymous people that use this tool. Famous people from both the world of film, music, television ... using Twitter. These are called Twitterati . People of great importance that have a large following as they appear, often within paragraph current issues. Although no celebrities appear here only reflected a theme Moment or may be any news that is being much discussed.

Mainly Twitter gives the appearance of being a forum for discussion, exchange of views, provide instant information on any event that is happening at that moment and carry it to a great talk in brief comments offered by rather than broad range of supporters.

continue tinkering and trying
know that Twitter offers and where lies his addiction and when we actually end up engaged to provide an overview of what makes this tool the human being, as well imagine, will not yield anything. Like everything.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Chaqueta Nike Rn 56323

Yes sir. Today, according to data found in the network, Facebook has 500 million registered users worldwide. Disturbing, no?

Facebook is one of many social networks that exist today and was created by Mark Zuckerberg, a student at Harvard University. In the beginning was created for college students, but "the need the money" and today is open to the public, as well specify "have an email account" .
This post is not intended as a monograph on Facebook, on the contrary, seeks to discuss one of the options that the network offers called Me. What is it for Me?

Me Likes The Facebook is an application that creates the user where they express the same phrases, sayings and things that usually happen or are invented by the same. Phrases can be expressed by fictional characters in movies, pictures, thoughts, attitudes, phrases chorras you write in adolescence in the typical school schedule, etc. These phrases they become a page where people pressing the button that says I Like, are noted and all close together have something in common. To be more graphic about what I'm talking about here are a few examples from my own Me and some friends

- If you do what you need, you are correct. If you do what you want, be happy.
- I also trusted and I failed ... but I learned my lesson. (This was a slight modification on my part, because he disagreed with the statement).
- I hate that people love you for a while and then pass you.
- It is sad that only when you find you need.

is really pathetic that we are able to express openly like nonsense but I find it funnier, when you ask if you have such a transcendental phrase like it because it actually happened to them. The answers are usually NO! is that it's funny.
Sorry ... HA!

But not only here just the absurdity of Me, is that also give you the option of evaluating the comments published users on your wall or the other. So far everything is understandable, but completely lost when the reasoning is the same who wrote the comment which I've put autoMeGusta. You really can be?

titles of books, songs, movies, TV shows, radio, television, actors, actresses, politicians (ahem), singers, etc, etc, etc, it does make sense and explanation for Me. Childhood memories, things that really have happened to a child in school, phrases that your mother cried when he made a prank ... is good, it can happen. But sentences like jets of teenage boys who write on their desks and pretend to become a full-fledged discussion (I will cut off when talking about spelling and meaning of many sentences) and over like you because you are funny.

I like what I wear you like because I like being so Tastes Like It @.

Shooting Pain Between Thumb


After such gibberish title I am about to comment that this really will not understand anything. Let's start.

Social networks are booming, we are pleasantly easy to communicate with any part of the world, with any person, sex, age or dress anyone, anytime with a quick and easy touch of a mouse. The problem arises at the very time when we try to create a communication with that person.

all starts in a very correct with an elegant "Hello, how are you?", "Long not know about you!", "How's life?" ...
So far everything is pretty obvious and without any problems. The tragedy comes at a time when this small interrogation becomes an attempt to converse fluently.

never remember that through the computer screen can not really express clearly how they intend to convey a message. We forget quickly, that if we play a joke or say something with some sarcasm or joke, the other person can (probably) not get the joke. Just finished him off with these so precious simbolitos that both are used today. For example::): (;): D: p etc, etc, etc.
What we do not stop to think is that if the other person does not understand us and on top decorate it with a symbol representing a smile or a laugh can be doing to grow our sexual parts receptor.

Almost always, when you do not understand what they claim is used to tell "how?" to achieve an immediate explanation of what is not understood. This is when you've already screwed up. Now if that really begins the mess.
If directly, you will not have understood the first time, get to understand now. Try to be explanatory enough for that other person understands what he meant without proving that you screwed up and are trying to amend their best. Now everything is disconnected phrases, meaningless, introduced by the computer keyboard as it is expelled from your head to your mouth (because what we are saying at the same time we write). "No, if I wanted to say ..."," I got it, really ...", "jejejeje, was a joke" , etc, etc, etc. It is best to try to visualize the face of our receiver to try to alleviate our state of change to see that we're doing bad, but he / she will be perfectly understood. That is when we receive the message that makes us receivers and a cold sweat begins to slip through our body. "It's like you're always ..."," you always have to think about what you want "," Why do you have to say those things? "," It is not so " and many other answers. Our
typing speed is terribly awkward trying to clarify that this is not what we wanted to say that is wrong, we actually wanted to say that. But the sentence is solved and now we have been as a tremendous metepatas.

If the network gives us plenty of ways to communicate why we just use something like the chat to talk? Are there no media like video calls or webcam so precious? (BTW, the webcam deserve a post as soon as possible.) Why are we doomed to darker attempt to communicate with someone we know that sooner or later end up in virtual discussion? If we communicate face to face Could it be easier to understand?
do not understand, but do not worry, we are humans and rationality is not one of the qualities that we have plenty, so we will continue our simbolitos and our attempt to talks on a hot laptop on your legs that will lead to a rather than safe, but that discussion ends with a "see you tomorrow." So tomorrow is another day, another message and another discussion. Sure.