Sunday, August 29, 2010

Letter Of Congratulations On Church Anniversary

I do not intend to miss so many illustrious writers of poetry that history has given us and give us , nor to all those who are poets and they are able, from obscurity, to make exalted art, but today I am a street poet.

This little title that I've offered it to a little something I had the honor of discovering a network. It was the first time I questioned whether it was necessary to sacrifice myself at that moment.
Some people feel they have the right to do things that are beyond their reach, that as much as to endeavor should leave to others. This happens to my friend the Poet Street. Small started in the field of romantic poetry intended offer unbridled passion-laden verses, metaphors able to overturn the hardest heart and rhymes that even with the metronome would be more damaged able to obtain a minimum of rhythm and elegance.
course I'm not saying that our poet did not get the attention of their passionate audience, because yes it does. It has a cast of good looking girls that follow, as teenagers do with their ephemeral film stars at the height of adolescent acne, his chilling work.

When one stops to read his compositions he realizes that his claim, beyond expressing sentiments rather than rooted in the noble art of letters, is to get the undo the feelings of these women more vulnerable . Odd words labeled as crude epithets that have no connection some, seasoned teenage poetry repetitive formulas used for decorating school folders and agendas of equal use.

What to say about their structures and attempts to rhyme. There is no free use of rhyme, so we are not facing any modern poetry that violates the archaic rules of writing well done our Golden Age did not find any reference to masters of the pen that got love hearts and raise passions with ideals rather than marked. It is a throw-attempts followed disjointed verses where there are no punctuation marks and make it impossible to understand those statements. Of course, their effervescent followers have to write like him because he does manage to make your heart beat at an uncontrolled pace, the artist receiving the most flattering compliments and continuations of his verses to obtain that, for example, a server rather than spend a pleasant time reading absurd .

Anyone who can read this post might think I am somewhat envious of our poet, but it is not. It would be my intention to reach such a high level of writing, or so deep to get my own being. I prefer to stay in simply called writer's own thoughts that try to convince anybody, let alone, love or deceive.

So I continue on my site, which is this, and keep reading to me while reading as Poet Street continues his career in earnest letters. Yes, I will encourage all those who are capable of transmitting a message, a feeling, thought or whatever and do so with elegance and style that defines an artist, however is unknown.


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