Thursday, November 25, 2010

How To Build A Horse Podium

Ethics and corruption, The Dilemma of the New Millennium

analyze an issue that has become a problem affecting the majority in our society, I mean the Corruption which is one of the greatest challenges facing contemporary societies. His practice, coupled with the set of anti-values, generates changes in everyday life and transforms the values \u200b\u200bof the people. However, fortunately for the companies there increasingly greater consensus in the international arena regarding the discourse based on the damage that corruption can cause not only poor countries and its growth but the global economic and trade system and integrity of States. Hence, there are actions at national and international levels to make front. First

analyze the map of corruption according to Transparency International:

Now read the highlights of Corruption Index:

We conclude that to address the global crisis is a priority an attitude of zero tolerance towards corruption. In the CPI 2010, Denmark, New Zealand and Singapore share first place with a score of 9.3. Recent posts still occupied mostly by countries with unstable governments and in many cases, a legacy of conflict. Afghanistan and Myanmar share the penultimate place with a score of 1.4, and Somalia, with 1.1, is in last place. El Salvador, in position 73. Lastly

review the summary table of results Perceptions Index 2010 Transparency International Corruption:

The CPI score for a country or territory indicates the degree of corruption in the sector groups as perceived by businesspeople and country analysts, from 10 (absence of corruption perception) and 0 (highly corrupt).

Activity: Provides your comments to the following questions:

a) How does the ethics to stop this terrible problem of corruption and thus promote the development of a country?

b) Do you think the government through the Government Ethics Tribunal as well as other entities perform their role in eradicating corruption of public servants?

c) As future professionals, what are your proposals for our country is over the problem of corruption?


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