Friday, November 26, 2010

How To Clean Maytag Performa

In one of our classes I mentioned a few days ago I saw an interesting film, which drew my attention to your content, immediately relate it to our course on Ethics. This is the movie "Lions for Lambs." Film interesting political and social background, with three stories frame. Janine, a veteran television journalist, was required for an exclusive interview by Jasper, a Republican senator with presidential aspirations. In the conversation an hour alone explains the new strategy against terrorism in Afghanistan and Iraq that is driving. Arian, a black soldier, and Ernest, a Mexican soldier, friends from his college days, participate in this new strategy, a result of which are trapped and surrounded Taliban behind enemy lines. These two men were among the best students of Stephen, a university professor in Los Angeles, which trains a bright but frivolous ward by example, to take seriously their training face to contribute something in the building society .
It provides a ray of society that provides elements for discussion in regard to the attitude of politicians, who sometimes think in global terms without regard to personal human costs, or move the ambition, the media, who worried about their audience, have abandoned their role of government control, being an element in the belt of your message-the teachers-who have a wonderful part to play, becoming aware their students of their talents, but they are in danger of becoming a theoretical-and youth-facing here the illusion of the best minds of black and Hispanic minorities, to be recognized by his countrymen, with the mediocrity of others young people without ideals, who only think of festivals and waste their lives.

Young ... the academic year ends, however, a new cycle opens in your personal and professional training for your server it is a great desire that all teaching and mutual learning the concretized into actions in the plane of reality. Let the wise shared commitment: first, a commitment to God and the other with our society (country) that we will be agents of change, which will be part of the solution, where the desire of many not exceed the longing of the few ... those who try to grow and develop by lawful means, striving to have credit balances when we come to use our "Eticard" ...
Dear students, I say goodbye to my "penultimate" teaching, but not before telling that to me has been a privilege and an honor that this cycle II-2010 it has allowed me to be their teacher, also meet young people with great potential, so full of values \u200b\u200band virtues, of which I am very proud of you ... each and as was customary in the course of the study units of our course, let's take advantage of this story, enter the following link to see the film or can be enjoyed here on the blog:

now a synthesis answering the following questions: What does it really take a stand when it comes to understanding the true power of freedom, responsibility and commitment? Will you be the difference in everything you do? Would you live and die as Arian and Ernest ... with his boots on, committed to a cause? And has served your ethics class to motivate you to decide to be part of the solution or you will be part of the problem?


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