Friday, May 13, 2011

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Aboriginal , s. Beings of little merit that hinder the floor of a newly discovered country. Soon cease to interfere, then fertilize. Creditor
, s. Member of a tribe of savages who live beyond the Strait of Finance, are greatly feared for its devastating air raids
, s. Nutritive substance that fattens the generous Providence poor. Alba
, s. Moment when reasonable men go to bed. Some seniors prefer to get up at that hour, take a cold shower, do a long walk on an empty stomach and mortifying his flesh in other ways similar. After these practices proudly attributed his robust health and longevity, when in fact they are old and strong not because of their customs, but despite them. If people are the only robust following this rule is because the others died to try it. Altar
, s. Place where the priest once booted, divination purposes, the intestine of the sacrificial victim and cooked his flesh to the gods. In Today, the term is rarely used except to refer to the sacrifice of your peace and freedom that made two fools
of the opposite sex. Archbishop
, s. Ecclesiastical dignitary one point holier than a bishop. Wedding
, s. Ceremony in which two people intend to become one, one aims to become nothing, and nothing is proposed to become bearable. Witch
, s. (1) Women's ugly and repulsive in unholy alliance with the devil. (2) young and beautiful girl in unholy alliance with the devil. The


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