Thursday, December 30, 2010

What Does Swallen Ankle Mean ?

New Year

May this year, the tragic fate shake the world for the welfare of those limpets on earth seem unclean and quiet. I wish you a happy new year also. Memorable Celebrations! A serious and sincere appreciation to all those people who occasionally take the precaution of going through this blog to read the whining of this your unhappy-you make this blog even exists, although in its report after nearly four years and I was glad to have them readers.

Thanks. I expect a close contact. The

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Furniture Images For Sales


Well, I wanted to upload this design, since Mr. Manuel, a short week ago I commissioned a Trunks felt, and said, look, a new challenge, and indeed one am very satisfied with the result. Here you have a couple of pictures, one taken by Manuelo. is about 8 cm.

PRICE: 4.5 euros / unit

Friday, December 17, 2010

Haloween Baby Shower Menu

need my heart to hear what I have to say, so as not to crush the love we have, finally defeated by the weight of our actions, our words and our silences. If you doubt what shut up and ignore what you tell me ...

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Leather Couch Repair Torn Seams

Dragon Ball Zoo of Space Invaders

Here I leave another entry again, with a smallish animals coming out of my mind and elsewhere. You can see everything from a gentle giraffe , to a crab, a butterfly, octopus otaku, etc.

PRICE: 2.5 EUROS / Crab, Elephant, Castor
3.5 EUROS / Butterfly, Giraffe, Octopus

The Resolution In Alas, Babylon


Well, he now update touches all fieltreros dolls made lately, I upload this, I had a lot of desire to publish, because I liked a lot as I stay, is about 7 cm in size. Reference to the legendary game, decorating folders, walls, and streets.

Popcorn Calories Unpopped

Superheroes fieltreros

Here is a sample marvelianos superhero. You can see an Iron man (in previous posts) and Hulk, so caricatured, both with a size 8 to 10 cm approx.

Soon they will show you some more of the same line I have done. You can also make other personal request ^ ^

PRICE: EUR 4.5 Hulk / Iron Man 5 EUROS

Friday, December 10, 2010

Milena Velba Chevrulet

That seems to me the political discourse. Loners who sincerely make me the airports, how beautiful the sky above the clouds, the city from above is seen as a liquid metal between asphalt and poured on Lomas: human accident. The Shinji Studio

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Blurry Vision 27 Weeks Pregnant


Do not you think it's great that an expression as well known as "I'm going to delete the planet, I will erase from my life," can now be done? Which yes, yes, I have reason!

has always existed people who for one reason or another have wanted to disappear, which were not part of our environment, our life. Maybe since the first time and we know that this feeling will appear little by little until you reach that desired end.
clear power to a human being is scientifically impossible. This is not to get rid, as an expression used to kill someone or miss someone we refer to erase, wipe out all existence of that individual.

And today may be carried out thanks to a large number of our acquaintances, friends, family, relationships and other classifications are in our virtual agendas contacts in our social networks and email accounts.
no longer need any explanation after any anger, it is not necessary to send out of anywhere we are, with a bad smell, face to face with anyone. We just need a simple index finger hit the left mouse button or mouse (for those who now speak primarily in English, are more cool) placed on the delete option and that person is deleted from our cyber environment.

anyone can think that it is not clear to a person in our life. I'm very sorry but the vast majority of people have more interacting relationships on social networking sites or chat rooms that talking face to face with someone, so yes you can get to the removal or deletion of the existence of that person. Remove or block any contact and disappears instantly, or rather you can even get to have the power to decide whether to readmit that person in your environment.
giving up is something you fear or uplifting, everyone will know what he produces.

How many people you will not have heard that they have friends who have not seen in your life, who have known because they have added to their social network account because his picture was funny enough, and speak funny or exhibitionist them as if they really know? Then you can also delete someone, right?

I think, I'll give you the pleasure of deleting certain characters in my cyber environment, I will feel with the malicious power to get rid of them and best of all is that the law protects me.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Side Effect Of St Dalfour

can be rebellious, even with a million in the bank account. Typically not as subversive but adjacent. Can also be horribly pitted bureaucrat in the government and sadly fashionista without a penny in the bag. What today is all that the tendency to be shown and not grumble one bit. There will always be, of course, hermits, but of course they will surely wearing fashionable, and discussed intectuales twilight and other contemporary. Even selling pants to avoid getting broken and the look on the basis of employment or poverty. Ideals to the letter, take away, for disposal. The Shinji Studio

Monday, December 6, 2010

Flexeril Is Safe During Pregnancy

shortly have here the holidays and the end and beginning of a new year. There are many ideas that we can do and finish before the new year I want to share a thought I had two years ago, but will adapt to the current date.
I wish I could have a little room for personal reflections on my own thoughts, away from what is referred to meetings and sharing. So it read:

" Heh, heh, heh. Begins another year. Twelve months, fifty-three weeks, 365 days ...
long time ahead and too little to enjoy. We will work rather than enjoy. Many promises that they probably do not comply.

Some broken hearts and other break it. Some will have a year with much happiness and others prefer that those who are so happy to change their year with them. Some continue with their jobs, others find new jobs and others, unfortunately, lose they have.
sure some fools will marry and, believe, be very happy and others will be separated from all that so nice of the principle will be a nightmare. Unfortunately they will cease; news of violence, although it would be nice to wake up and there is no such word as no one would know what that is and therefore there would be no violence against women.
we will be lucky not to finish the wars, and that a few may still have a long, thousands have to suffer his incompetence brain and die on their land for a usurer shit can continue drilling. Unfortunately many unconscious continue killing in the name of religion and will not cease in their efforts to harm those who can to make a good pass from first to the sky with his God. We will continue
the fate of the drug, and I mean the clerks if companies want to remain rich and richer and richer and not allow new cures available worldwide.

Come on, we will continue with every bit as fucked up in 2010. So you have to try to be happy with the way we choose to go in this year 2011, having her head held high to avoid the collejas that we can reach on either side and try to always keep a smile, but actually we are thinking :
Fuck the bitch mother that I wanted HAPPY NEW YEAR 2011 . "

There's that ... later, when dates are closer to congratulate you as is due the year and parties, while reflecting on what is just and what begins.

Friday, November 26, 2010

How To Clean Maytag Performa

In one of our classes I mentioned a few days ago I saw an interesting film, which drew my attention to your content, immediately relate it to our course on Ethics. This is the movie "Lions for Lambs." Film interesting political and social background, with three stories frame. Janine, a veteran television journalist, was required for an exclusive interview by Jasper, a Republican senator with presidential aspirations. In the conversation an hour alone explains the new strategy against terrorism in Afghanistan and Iraq that is driving. Arian, a black soldier, and Ernest, a Mexican soldier, friends from his college days, participate in this new strategy, a result of which are trapped and surrounded Taliban behind enemy lines. These two men were among the best students of Stephen, a university professor in Los Angeles, which trains a bright but frivolous ward by example, to take seriously their training face to contribute something in the building society .
It provides a ray of society that provides elements for discussion in regard to the attitude of politicians, who sometimes think in global terms without regard to personal human costs, or move the ambition, the media, who worried about their audience, have abandoned their role of government control, being an element in the belt of your message-the teachers-who have a wonderful part to play, becoming aware their students of their talents, but they are in danger of becoming a theoretical-and youth-facing here the illusion of the best minds of black and Hispanic minorities, to be recognized by his countrymen, with the mediocrity of others young people without ideals, who only think of festivals and waste their lives.

Young ... the academic year ends, however, a new cycle opens in your personal and professional training for your server it is a great desire that all teaching and mutual learning the concretized into actions in the plane of reality. Let the wise shared commitment: first, a commitment to God and the other with our society (country) that we will be agents of change, which will be part of the solution, where the desire of many not exceed the longing of the few ... those who try to grow and develop by lawful means, striving to have credit balances when we come to use our "Eticard" ...
Dear students, I say goodbye to my "penultimate" teaching, but not before telling that to me has been a privilege and an honor that this cycle II-2010 it has allowed me to be their teacher, also meet young people with great potential, so full of values \u200b\u200band virtues, of which I am very proud of you ... each and as was customary in the course of the study units of our course, let's take advantage of this story, enter the following link to see the film or can be enjoyed here on the blog:

now a synthesis answering the following questions: What does it really take a stand when it comes to understanding the true power of freedom, responsibility and commitment? Will you be the difference in everything you do? Would you live and die as Arian and Ernest ... with his boots on, committed to a cause? And has served your ethics class to motivate you to decide to be part of the solution or you will be part of the problem?

Thursday, November 25, 2010

How To Build A Horse Podium

Ethics and corruption, The Dilemma of the New Millennium

analyze an issue that has become a problem affecting the majority in our society, I mean the Corruption which is one of the greatest challenges facing contemporary societies. His practice, coupled with the set of anti-values, generates changes in everyday life and transforms the values \u200b\u200bof the people. However, fortunately for the companies there increasingly greater consensus in the international arena regarding the discourse based on the damage that corruption can cause not only poor countries and its growth but the global economic and trade system and integrity of States. Hence, there are actions at national and international levels to make front. First

analyze the map of corruption according to Transparency International:

Now read the highlights of Corruption Index:

We conclude that to address the global crisis is a priority an attitude of zero tolerance towards corruption. In the CPI 2010, Denmark, New Zealand and Singapore share first place with a score of 9.3. Recent posts still occupied mostly by countries with unstable governments and in many cases, a legacy of conflict. Afghanistan and Myanmar share the penultimate place with a score of 1.4, and Somalia, with 1.1, is in last place. El Salvador, in position 73. Lastly

review the summary table of results Perceptions Index 2010 Transparency International Corruption:

The CPI score for a country or territory indicates the degree of corruption in the sector groups as perceived by businesspeople and country analysts, from 10 (absence of corruption perception) and 0 (highly corrupt).

Activity: Provides your comments to the following questions:

a) How does the ethics to stop this terrible problem of corruption and thus promote the development of a country?

b) Do you think the government through the Government Ethics Tribunal as well as other entities perform their role in eradicating corruption of public servants?

c) As future professionals, what are your proposals for our country is over the problem of corruption?

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Car Polish Chemicals Formula

few days ago I received a request from Miss Eli, a reporter for
felt, similar to the previous entry enfermerita. Is 7 cm. about, not stuffed cotton and features a lounge suit and a micro, as shown below.


to thank Eli for your order.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Bushnell Elite Vs Super Sniper

COMMITMENT! Moral value

On 20 November 1959 the UN General Assembly adopted the Declaration on the Rights of the Child, and on 20 November 1989 the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Therefore, on November 20 has been established as the Universal Children's Day. To remind us that the care and protection children depends the future of our society. Let us support and sumémonos

the activities taking place in our communities this Saturday but, above all, we are active in the defense of children 365 days a year.

In this video we can see the message we convey to children through SOS Children's Villages: compartámolos with everyone, especially them.

Watch this video and you also help to spread

Your opinion counts

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Netopia Ter Gusb2-n Drivers


Human beings have an innate ability that can lead to the top or plummet, I am referring to the ability to lie.

Since very little, as we are aware of what is right or wrong, we start to lie. Who has not ever said, he had committed an act that should not be the typical phrase: "I have not been" or "it has done so '?.

Since rather small commit, one of the cardinal sins, but as we have no idea what that means do not suffer at all.
As we grow our lies are growing as well. Can get to extremes, extremes that are supported by purposes long or short term.

You can lie to get a promotion at his job, to achieve a desired object, or even get the attention of one or more specific individuals.
Who has not heard that famous phrase, who has not lied for love? The question is: who has maintained that love after lie?

Lies come in many forms: white lies, lies with malice, lies not created or a liar preposterous fibs lead to nothing and lies too fat.
The issue is not the lie that sets the question is how is the liar?

Some people are not even good for lying. It is true, have a capacity of deception are so small that it can not deceive a child when I have to say no to something and make an excuse. They fail, they voice falters, his eyes do not maintain strong ... the lie is being diluted as it moves the intent of deception.

But there are other people who are so good at the art of deception to believe it themselves.
These people not only are able to instantly improvise a lie, they can have it planned in advance and have the potential variations that may occur.
When improvising a lie know they can not impossible to go to things that are out of reach. They were quickly Pillari deception, it is best work lies within situations. For you to say you've been late for an appointment that has crossed your path a flock of sheep, if you are living in the heart of any big city. It is easy to say that I catch a jam, but provided that the jam is out of the path of the person deceived.
must also have a good memory because it would be there when I caught the lie. Knowing how to react quickly to the possibility of being caught, play your role well and never lose confidence in what you're saying. So achieved a good lie.

That if it should be clear that what you are saying is a lie, that does not turn into a vicious circle and come to believe us our lies and make our life a farce. Well played, fast, background.

One example that I can put you in a bad liar is a case that I am about to meet a person. This person will receive a question on my part that will make a small commitment. His first reaction will be anger, it is clear, how I can ask? Then your response is denial and use a recurrent phrase out of these cases: "if I do not think is your problem." I will say that if I think so, but clearly not ... and the liar is caught. Knowing
and customs that person know what their modus operandi. Stands apart from depending on environments until he meets a new dam. Then he stalks the sidelines the rest of his acquaintances. When prey is not present appears briefly in their natural environment until his nose detects its prey is near. Then it disappears again to hide to launch on its prey. Be able to disguise itself as if it were not for not being seen. But it is there, always there ... and always returns.

To be a good liar you have to be also a good observer and learn to hunt another liar. This will prevent failures absurd and hunted.

the record, I am a good person who never told lies, I am telling you this is something I have been told about. I only expose, jejejejejeje.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

How To Get A Rainbow Puffle In Club Penguin


Never happened to you that you have tried talking to someone for a chat, which has its status as online, and not responding?
Or if speaking to you but to say that now can not immediately put the state as busy?
I do not know about you, but I feel like to spit on these people.

is the power that you get the chats, so much independent as social networks. At that moment you are the owner to decide who you want to talk, with whom he, who block, who show your webcam ... You're the big boss, for once your life becomes dull and you are the Capo in your own circle of friends and you decide how they will be streaming the talks.

course, when the roles become one wants to be answered immediately, but comes as nasty anger.

Then, of course, we must place on the part of the person "refused." It's like you put face fool to do such an act. Then, inevitably, come the "explanations" absurd and you do not believe either one way or another, but you just say that all is well.
funny thing is when you see that person loses the connection and will appear again and again the message that comes back online. And still is busy doing something else.
not give you the satisfaction that it considers appropriate to talk until you're able to do even need to say something of life and death. Well, that was a bit exaggerated, jejejeje.

can spend hours and this person does not deign to put a single word, your hatred is growing and, finally, comes expectations: IS DISCONNECTED.
Jajajajajajjaaja! Yes or no? Surely you know what I'm saying. This is when one decides to handle whatever is necessary to remove that person. You have to delete your data, all types of documents, delete the planet. But the most you can do is delete this contact from the contacts list.

For pity the next time that person will not act as she speaks. We do what we are wanting to take revenge: ANSWER.
Too bad everyone is not equally considered, the amount of saliva you would have saved. No?

Monday, November 1, 2010

What Does The Sideways Mean? Peace Sign


Sunday November 1st. Lying on the sofa with the laptop on the legs can not think of anything better to give the job seeker to find blogs to read. Blogs for people who like to leave anonymous reflected in a simple manner, in a non-profit, their experiences, thoughts and even feelings.

The network is littered with these small but very large journals. Journals in which each explains in his own way, their particular way, the vision of a world where smallness is envisioned just a thousand different ways. It
a delight to find people able to make you smile with your words, make you think, create a time working on our, already, tired brains and activate them with a suggestion or question.

I, today, I chose to focus on two blogs very curious. Two personal blogs where two people tell us their special moments. Special not something concrete, as it can be a special moment that you're so bored lying in your bed you decide to tell the world through a blog. May be that special moment you decide to dedicate to the memory of a friend and translate it into words so that everyone knows what you want that person. Special little moments self but can be as special for many others, you just have to share.

the game to find a blog that might interest you is fun. It is also true that you can find thousands of blogs so similar that they do not offer anything more than a heavy "bufff" out of your mouth, including expulsion of air, of course.
I also like to find authentic works of art as design is concerned. Anyone who sees my blog will realize I have no idea how to change it, jejejejejee. Is what you get, and learn. But there are real delights for the eyes, people who dedicates a specific time to more beautiful your media with other people with a simple mouse click can be part of your life, your doubts, joys ... Better would be if all this was accompanied by a reciprocal, so today I want to dedicate this small contribution to these two new blogs today give part of my list to watch: and poresokantamelade.blogspot . com .

hope enjoy them ... always, everyone has something to offer.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

What Restores Old Leather?

One of the most clear and practical answers to the question "What is moral courage?, Is proposing to human nature as the foundation of morality, at the beginning of our course, we established that the true ethics is one that favors human nature ... remember?
Well ... for humans to be moral means to act in accordance with the requirements of human nature. Who think about human nature will find there some requirements that are the basis of the rights and obligations of every man, such as the right to life, indeed, their properties, etc.
One of the criteria in terms of morality is concerned, is the right reason. Is meant by right reason, the performance of human intelligence without deviations caused by the passions, instincts or any interest personal.
who acts according to right reason, determine what are the specific requirements which, as part of human nature concerning him. According to the above, a person with moral courage is one that acts in line with the trends and requirements as a human.

be moral is equivalent to being more humane, appropriate the qualities which belong, in essence, its own nature. The moral value can be acquired by a person when making a moral standard, and better yet, when exercising an ethical standard. The bottom line in human behavior is guided by values \u200b\u200bfreedom above.
Under this vision, we name some of those properties with values:
• The perfect moral value to people and that goes into the identity of each.
• A person with moral courage is not interested only in their personal welfare, by contrast, represent and spread a way of being that comes from inside (ethics)
• A person with moral courage manifest harmony, ie the behavior is consistent with what he thinks and what he says.
1) Make whatever you ask in the WebQuest, clicking on the link below:
2) Your feedback is important:

Sunday, October 10, 2010

P90x Plyometrics Online


Day cloudy, rainy, autumn, tracksuits, couch, popcorn and movie. What more could you ask for a Sunday?

That's my plan today. Here lay on the couch, feet on the coffee table with the laptop on your lap while on TV are giving the movie "Maid in Manhattan."

to put the power of the film explain that the beautiful Latina Jennifer Lopez plays a hotel maid in a careless knows the lure Ralph Fiennes, who plays a future senator. Both are like. But her low economic status and hotel hard worker, puts on the clothes of a client's hotel so he is confused by a wealthy girl many curves. Here begin the usual romantic entanglements and comic with a first fatal when he learns who she really is but her courage and final apotheosis, pursues his love, despite being a mere waitress and a seasoned politician, and live happily ever after.

Hollywood cinema has used thousands of times to take the viewer to dream with open eyes, to offer some ideals, some goals, some dreams that will surely be unattainable but for ninety minutes we carried be those who never will be, but we want to be. Who has not dreamed of being a hotel maid who gets the love of a future U.S. senator in the middle of a story based on the classic tale of Cinderella, but in modern times. The castles change by large luxury hotels, the evil stepmother by cocks tiny brain but very bad temper, princes swashbuckling politicians in suits and ties and Cinderellas blight stained white aprons and blue uniforms hotel maid. And this time spiced up by the music of Norah Jones, Diana Krall or Paul Simon, instead of, well known, waltz from Cinderella.

Well as this story is so many thousands and for every movie, imagine the amount of dreamers who dream of being one or other of the protagonists of these films.
Hollywood executives know they have thousands of poor wretches to a miserable life, at least for them, they will consume their banal films with the good intention of disappearing temporarily from the real world and immerse themselves in the false fluctuations of celluloid.

But, what the hell! Why not dream, even awake? What harm does that do to anyone? The point is that after those ninety minutes, finishing the bowl of popcorn, the bag pipes or any other candy you want swallowing, back to the real world knowing who we are and feel good as we are. You have to know that those we see in the small or big screen are not what they seem, never will be, on the contrary, are less than those who dream to be his film characters.

So ... to enjoy the film.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

How To Replace Batteries In Inova Microlight

What is an Ethical Dilemma?

We are facing a real ethical dilemma when you're not sure what to do, and it is unclear to separate right from wrong.

therefore face a common dilemma, there is more of a look and how to solve it. Questions like

can do something that could mean a big fine, but that involves twisting a few rules?, "Should be promoted to a subordinate who has shown great dedication, but perform less than good?, Should you share a sensitive information?, should you advertise to a friend who will be fired, when it has agreed to subject information? All questions have an ethical background recorded.

educational purposes, defines an ethical dilemma as a short story, a story mode, which raises a possible situation in the realm of reality but at the moral conflict, and seeks of listeners or a reasoned solution to the conflict, or an analysis of the solution chosen by the subject's protagonist. Generally the situation is presented as a choice dilemma: the protagonist is subject to a critical situation to which there are only two and no more than two options (A) or (B), both equally feasible and defensible solutions . The individual is therefore facing a real and inevitable conflict situation in which many questions may arise before an election.

Let's get to try the next activity

to reflect, learn and discuss:
1) Joshua

owns an estate agency and is helping a lady to organize and sell household goods of her deceased sister . By giving out the fire, find two old boxes. When you open one of them, can not believe what you see: rolls of $ 100 bills wrapped in aluminum foil: a total of $ 82,000 in cash! Joshua is alone in the room. What should you do? "Taking the case in secret, or tell your client who has found the money?
Joshua's Dilemma highlights one of the characteristics that distinguish man from the brute. The World Book Encyclopedia says: "A unique feature of human being is asking questions about what should or should not do." When a hungry dog \u200b\u200bpark is meat on a table, it is difficult to question whether to eat it. Joshua, however, has the ability to assess whether its decision is ethical or not. While theft would keep the money, it is unlikely to be discovered. It is true that does not belong to him, but his client has no idea of \u200b\u200bits existence. In addition, most of the residents of Joshua would be crazy to think that it surrender.

What would you do in this situation? Your answer will depend on the code of ethics that has chosen to follow in life.

2) "A classic dilemma"

In a city there is a woman with a special type of cancer and will die soon. There is a medicine that a druggist in the same city just discovered and that the doctors think they can save her. The medicine is expensive because the pharmacist is charging ten times what it cost him. The sick woman's husband, Heinz, goes to everyone you know to borrow the money, but could only raise half of what it costs. It tells the druggist that his wife is dying and asks him to sell the drug cheaper or let him pay later. The pharmacist refuses and above this, Heinz, desperate, think rob the pharmacy to steal the drug for his wife.
Should Heinz steal the drug? Why or why not?

* conflicting values: Need / Duty.

3) Dilema movie "The Pursuit of Happiness."

In the movie "The Pursuit of Happiness." The bad or good, depending how you look, tells the protagonist - lese or cunning, depending how you look, - "do not waste this opportunity." Refers to accept that period of work and learning the business in the company. *
- The Problem: Taking the job and with it the risk or abuse and to reject it and go by "it".
- Factors Constraints:
1 .- The terms of the opportunity: no salary, no promise of future work one of 20 applicants would have to decide that day, his wife is going to live in another city.
2 .- The possible benefits of work later: principle like the work can be done very rich, he thinks he can accomplish the job. 3 .- Your
past failures as a businessman.

- triggering factor: Mr. Twistle advised that you wait until that night, but "I swear I'll see your place tonight"

A. - Reject the work
B. - Take the work
" C?

I look forward to your suggestions through your valuable comments

Monday, October 4, 2010

Subaceous Cyst Removal Price


seems that my strength is focused on social networks, but today it seems that move around. But are introduced in one of them are like a freak, a specimen outside of society, a being from another place that has no Facebook, Twitter, Tuenti or whatever.

I, truth, I had my first Facebook account will be about four years, when all the people around me had no idea what it was. I gradually expanded my number of contacts to be what it is today. Photo albums, links to videos from YouTube, phrases, songs, reviews, Me Gusta, groups, pages, etc, etc, etc.

But gradually I have become tired of all this world to know and be known, connecting green dots or crescents of states at rest, comments without being present or round and round to see that and think about another. I need some oxygen, some detox Facebook. I have considered trying out new social networks, new network devices that allow me to use but I fear it will be a break of almost everything. I do not mean to be an eternal rest, and hopefully that will come too late, but temporary relief, airearme around and see if I have a desire to return to it.

Not that I have nothing to hide, something you do not want anybody to know, I've always kept it behind my back to show what I consider to be displayed and not show (which is not equal to hide) that I'm interested in is not known. My private life is mine, period, only those who believe they belong to it know what happens, the rest are pawns on a chessboard to play a game where I turn, I pawn on the board of their game. Let's say we are chips that exert a reciprocal role in countless games that are social networking accounts.

So give me a few days later to hang the poster closed for holidays, holidays that allow me to start again. Where it has maximum contact via email or what has always been a coffee in any bar or a phone call. What is called a real contact with people, to tell me and I think I can do it too, we meet face to face, looking into his eyes and not by a tiny rectangle called chat. Back to the beginning of communication, after everything will be. So the countdown is starting, will be a few days, then whoever follows me from here or, if the ever elected, and know how to find me. Until then be well and be good.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Pokemon Emerald Cheats That Work With Gpsphone


feel I should bring this issue to our blog, just discussed in this week in our ethics classes.
also consider it important that our social consciousness is strengthened, so that try to link what has been studied theoretically with the plane of reality. So, my students, I present the following press release: FAO

: increasing hunger in Latin America during 2010

In Latin America and the Caribbean will increase hunger in 2010, according to a document of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). "FAO estimates that the population suffers from malnutrition in Latin America has now reached 53 million people, which is the same for the period 1990-1992 ', said the agency stating that although there are signs of recovery in the economy, not so with indices social. FAO said that the minimum number of undernourished in the mid-2000s, reached 45 million people.

"Hunger is a silent tragedy, because the numbers hide the reality, 53 million hungry equivalent to the total population of Chile, Bolivia, Ecuador, Nicaragua and Paraguay." He explained that the impacts of the food crisis are not the same in all countries where those most affected are those that depend on imported food and energy. The agency stated that the high rate of existing famine: "You have joined the impact of catastrophic natural events such as severe drought that affected Central America in 2009 and America, floods in Mexico, Haiti and Chile earthquakes. "

In the dry corridor of Honduras, Guatemala and Nicaragua last March lost 50 percent of basic grain crops, affecting domestic consumption, citing the document "Food Situation in Latin America and the Caribbean." Also influence the increase of hunger in the nations of Latin America and the Caribbean, inflation, unemployment and the decline of family remittances. So

"paradoxical the most vulnerable countries and in more social demands, are precisely those with lower availability of funds for social spending," said FAO.


Now, dear students, informing them that the United Nations Organization for Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) is conducting a campaign to end hunger in world, I invite us to join her.

To join the campaign, are collecting signatures, so it is necessary for all us to join, visit the following link: