Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Funny Rookie Initiations

What dissent?

consensus is called an agreement between two or more people around a theme. The expression of the lack of consensus is dissent.

A decision by consensus, however, does not imply an active consent of each, but rather an acceptance in the sense of non-denial. In this type of decision-making procedures found its foundation of Greek democracy.

DISSENT: Modern democracy, pluralistic and competitive, is based on the guarantee of dissent, which implies respect for diverse political culture, and the ability to disagree with those who exercise power without being so out of the system but on the contrary, being recognized as a necessary part of it. What is in this case the limit of dissent? Legitimacy is the property of political power to be accepted as the most convenient for political synthesis, based on which get political support. Legitimacy implies consensus, and consensus implies cultural homogeneity. The question involves whether this legitimacy, that consensus and cultural homogeneity that should cover the entire political spectrum, including instrumental institutions and decisions, actions and options of the rulers. Democratic choice says no, and that is sufficient consensus on the "basic rules of the game" on the institutions created to discipline conflicts and protect the rights and freedoms of individuals and groups on the basis of the principle of most attenuated by the guarantees for minorities, can have dissent, and therefore the possibility of change, above all else, without being questioned by this democratic legitimacy, but rather, exalted to the extent that dissent is effectively applied. (D. Fisichella - 1990)

The thesis is that dissent, especially from the subsidiaries as ours, is what creates critical theory, both in social sciences and philosophy. And today, the mediocrity of both disciplines lies in the inability to think critically. Or what is the same, explains effect of a single thought that has its political profile in political correctness, whether through social liberalism, whether in the conservative neo-liberalism. These are the two arms of the political-ideological tong imprisons the world beginning in the XXI century. Consensus vs


From logical point of view both are relative terms to each other as well as father of a child is low or high, the dissent it is always a consensus and consensus on what is a dissent, but in everyday practice, whether political or personal, is presented as the consensus agreement of the parties to the achieve a common purpose and dissent, not as a denial of the agreement, but rather as the attempt to give another meaning, a different sense, different, alternative, non-conforming to the given, to what is present.

Another difference is that the idea of \u200b\u200bdissent was, at least until a few years ago, discredited theory, the idea of \u200b\u200bconsensus was and is supported and reinforced by teachers in our universities and colleges that have adopted the ideology unchallenged and unquestioned.

Tale of the blind men and the elephant

Six blind gathered to see what it was the elephant.
The first groped his way and crashed directly into the side for that reason concluded: "It looks like a wall"

The second, by chance, touched the tusk and smooth and sharp admit he said, "But it seems a spear. "
The third, to meet the trunk, he said: "It looks like a snake."
The fourth, touching a leg, do not hesitate to point out the error of the above: "It looks like a tree and nothing more."

The fifth felt the ear and was pleased that no one could deny the enormous elephant like a fan.

The sixth, that the animal was taken directly approach the tail, proclaimed its truth: "The elephant is a long, thick cable."
And so the blind obstinacy discussed to defend their opinion, but the truth is that everyone was right, but none was right.

This story I think is excellent in depth. I think the problem of these men is a powerful explanations of what we believe, human beings. I opened my eyes to better understand the concept of dissent, which I understand ... are those "well targeted differences" - but also have more space to integrate prying eyes.
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