Tuesday, June 15, 2010

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Ethics and coexistence

Human beings seek desperately to live together, depending on the herd instinct. Flocks of birds, schools of fish and flocks Wolf suggests that in animals there is also a herd instinct that leads them to clump together. The most convincing explanation is that the grouping-for example, of schools, provides ecological improvement favoring biological conditions. From this we can infer that clustering helps improve the lives and development. With the human group is the same. This extends to social groups, communities and the whole society. The grouping of humans is a spontaneous and necessary.

When a group has continued its operations and acquired over time, become institutionalized. Institutionalized means to have guidelines and performance standards that are repeated for significant periods. These are rules of behavior are essential for the group or institution to survive. The explanation is that in humans there are, on the one hand, positive social trends and, second, negative anti-social tendencies. The former tend to unity, harmony, social integration and constructive. The negative trends, however, seeking discord, disunity, decay and destructiveness. This can occur in the group in whole or in part in one individual. For the group to survive, it is necessary that the rules of behavior emerge: they are essential for constitutive and functional integrity. Group norms outlined a group identity and a sense of belonging in the group.

Here lie the seeds of ethical standards. The term "ethics" comes from "Ethik" which in Greek means "custom." To be social behavior should privilege the individual's relationship with the other. In this regard, character ethics conditions on individuals linked to each other and, in turn, is conditioned by it. Solomon E.

Asch argues that "the origins of the rules are perceived in a spontaneous group organization. The simplest expression of collective action contains rudiments of order and the presence of a common task and apprehension by the participants of the potential the situation, guiding and correcting their actions. "If individuals enter into a cooperative task is essential to establish minimum agreements among themselves about the conditions in which that task should be performed. " Those standards a form of group decision that arises in response to the perception of mutual dependence. " When these standards have a social meaning are based on principles of mutual benefit.

What is learned in childhood lasts a lifetime. The rules of coexistence, together with the values, are incorporated into this structure and becomes the repository of moral standards and ethics.

So we have two ethical structures. One related to the individual psychological, which is internal and inherent to it. The other is external and for the social group: are the ethical standards of chamber group.
addition to the rules are values. The good and bad, right and wrong, are values. These are important to assess behavior and to predict its effects: whether it will be constructive or destructive.
But are the ideals, aspirations, desires, demanding levels of performance and production, the models that seek to achieve or reproduce in any way. These and many more are certain values \u200b\u200bthat give meaning to individual and group behavior. These feelings become values \u200b\u200bthat ultimately give the group cohesion, sense of belonging and quality in performance and results.
Members of the Chair of Ethics (student / teacher) constitute a group. In this set inevitably arise social reasons and living needs. These reasons and these requirements determine the values \u200b\u200band ethical standards necessary to ensure positive operation.

1. Express your opinion in the forum about: What do you think the establishment of standards of behavior in your first class of ethics?.

2. Enter the following link and realize what there is offers: http://www.orospeda.es/majwq/wq/ver/4540


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