Sunday, April 10, 2011

Good Gift For Taekwondo Instructor

What is Moral Courage? LIONS FOR LAMBS

One of the most clear and practical answers to the question, is proposing to human nature as the foundation of morality, at the beginning of our course, we established that the true ethics is one that favors human nature ... remember?
Well ... for humans to be moral means to act in accordance with the requirements of human nature. Who think about human nature will find there some requirements that are the basis of the rights and obligations of every man, such as the right to life, indeed, their properties, etc.
One of the criteria in terms of morality is concerned, is the right reason. Is meant by right reason, action human intelligence without deviations caused by the passions, instincts or a personal interest.
who acts according to right reason, determine what are the specific requirements which, as part of human nature concerning him. According to the above, a person with moral courage is one that acts in line with the trends and requirements as a human.

be moral is equivalent to being more humane, appropriate the qualities which belong, in essence, its own nature. The moral value can be acquired by a person when making a moral standard, and better yet, when exercising an ethical standard. The bottom line in the human behavior is guided by values \u200b\u200bfreedom above.
Under this vision, we can name some of those properties with values:
• The perfect moral value to people and that goes into the identity of each.
• A person with moral courage is not interested only in their personal welfare, by contrast, represent and spread a way of being that comes from inside (ethics)
• A person with moral courage manifest harmony, ie the behavior is consistent with what he thinks and what he says.
1) Make whatever you ask in the WebQuest, clicking on the link below:
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